extra extra part four…

We were recently interviewed for a Daily Iowan article on the new bike boxes in Iowa City. Below we share our extended answers in the fourth of 8 posts.

Do you feel that drivers respect bikers when they share the road together?

Asa: There are plenty of drivers who do, don’t, and in between.  I’m more aware of the drivers who don’t because that requires me to react.  I think there are a lot of drivers who don’t even realize I’m allowed to be on the road.

Michael: For the most part yes, the vast majority of motorists I encounter are good about my riding style & seem to understand what’s going on & why I’m doing it.

Pete: It’s always hit or miss. More often than not, I think yes. It is the ugly interactions that stick in the mind the most, not the thousands of cars that have passed me without words screamed from a window. But also, far less cars treat me with the respect I would like, which is passing me in the other lane. I always say a quiet thank you to those cars that do.

One interaction like this…
…can make it hard to remember how many interactions are like this.

Thank you to Clinton Garlock for originally posing this question. Extra thanks to Pete for taking the time to share his thoughts while taking a break from the shop. Comment your own answers below, we’d love to hear your experiences and insights!

~ by michael on March 25, 2021.

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